Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

alpha300 Ri – Inverted Raman Imaging Microscope

Experience Raman Imaging from a new angle.

The alpha300 Ri turns 3D chemical characterization upside down. Its inverted beam path preserves all the functionality of WITec’s standard alpha300 confocal Raman imaging microscopes while introducing a new angle in access and handling. The ability to view and investigate samples from below is a great advantage when working with aqueous solutions and oversized samples. Studies in life sciences, biomedicine and geosciences in particular will benefit from the consistency and flexibility provided by the geometry of the alpha300 Ri.

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Key Features

WITec alpha300 Ri

Application Examples

Correlative Raman-Fluorescence microscopy image of DAPI-marked eukaryotic cell nuclei

WITec alpha300 Ri cells DAPI+Raman
Correlative Raman Fluorescence Microscopy. Left: Nuclei labeled with DAPI. Right: Nucleoli (green) and endoplasmic reticulum (red) are identified by their Raman spectra. The Raman and fluorescence images are overlaid.

3D Raman image of pressed banana pulp

The alpha300 Ri combines the advantages of data acquisition from below with the established merits of 3D confocal Raman imaging which is a powerful and versatile technique that can chemically characterize samples nondestructively and without labeling or other specialized preparation.

The image shows a 3D reconstruction of Raman image stacks of pressed banana pulp, with starch grains in green and cell wall components in red. (Scan range: 300µm x 200µm x 90µm, number of pixels: 450x300x45)

Banana Raman 3D


Raman General Operation Modes

  • Raman spectral imaging: Acquisition of complete hyperspectral Raman imaging data sets while continuously scanning.
  • Planar (x-y-direction) and depth scans (z-direction) with motorized sample positioning
  • Image stacks: 3D confocal Raman imaging
  • Fast and slow time series
  • Single point Raman spectrum acquisition and depth profiling
  • Fibre-coupled UHTS spectrometers specifically designed for Raman microscopy and applications with low light intensities
  • Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy

Basic Microscope Features

  • Research grade inverted optical microscope with 6x objective turret
  • Video system: Video CCD camera and/or fluorescence camera
  • LED white-light source for Köhler illumination
  • Binocular
  • Condensor lens for up to 7 contrasts (e. g. brightfield, DIC, Phase contrast, NAMC, etc.)
  • Sample holder accommodating various standard sample formats (e. g. microscopy slides, Terasakiplates, 35/65 mm dishes, Nunc flasks, counting chambers)
  • Internal filter block revolver
  • Motorized sample positioning and scanning stage in x- and y-direction, large travel range

Raman Optional/Upgradable Operation modes

  • A broad range of lasers and wavelengths (from UV to IR) eligible
  • Additional UHTS spectrometers (UV, VIS, NIR)
  • Ultrafast Raman imaging optional available
  • Upgradable for time correlated single photon counting / fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM)
  • Autofocus

Ultrahigh-throughput WITec UHTS Spectrometers

  • Various lens-based, excitation optimized spectrometers (UV, VIS or NIR) available, all specifically designed for Raman microscopy and applications with low light intensities
  • Fibre-coupled ultrahigh-throughput optical instruments
  • Superior peak shape conservation

Computer Interface:

Scientists’ Choice Award Winner

The WITec alpha300 Ri inverted Raman microscope has been awarded the SelectScience Scientists’ Choice Award 2019. The award is given based on the votes of researchers themselves, who are asked to choose their favorite new laboratory technology released in 2018. The WITec alpha300 Ri was voted the Best New Product in the Spectroscopy category and received excellent reviews on

Scientists Choice Award Winner Badge 2019


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Cell BiologyGeo ScienceLife Science