Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

alpha300 R – Raman Imaging Microscope

While long recognized as the state-of-the-art imaging system, ongoing development resulting from our innovative spirit keeps the WITec's Raman microscope alpha300 R at the forefront of the technology and sets the benchmark in terms of flexibility, sensitivity, speed and performance. These unique characteristics have established the alpha300 R the preeminent confocal Raman imaging system on the market.

The flexibility of the alpha300 R series allows the system to adapt to all requirements, combine different imaging techniques and to evolve to meet new or expanded needs.

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Key Features

Application Examples

alpha300R stress in diamond
Confocal Raman image of stress in a diamond film. Color coded from red (compressive strain) to blue (tensile strain).
WITec 3D Raman image pollen honey
3D Raman Image of a pollen in crystalline honey. Image parameters: 150 x 150 x 50 pixels = 1,125,000 Raman spectra, scan area: 50 µm x 50 µm x 50µm, integration time per spectrum: 12.2 milliseconds, total acquisition time: 3h 50 min.
alpha300R 3D semiconductor depth scan
Color-coded Raman depth-scan of a structured GaN layer used for semiconductors. Violet: GaN; Green: fluorescence along the edges of the structure; Red: Stress in material.
alpha300R 3D emulsion
3D confocal color-coded Raman image of an emulsion of oil (green), alkane (magenta), and water (blue). 30 µm x 30 µm x 11.5 µm, 150 x 150 x 23 pixels, 517,500 Raman spectra, total acquisition time: 23 min.


Raman General Operation Modes

  • Raman spectral imaging: acquisition of a complete Raman spectra at every image pixel
  • Planar (x-y-direction) and depth scans (z-direction) with manual sample positioning
  • Image stacks: 3D confocal Raman imaging
  • Time series
  • Single point Raman spectrum acquisition
  • Single-point depth profiling
  • Fibre-coupled UHTS spectrometer specifically designed for Raman microsopy and applications with low light intensities
  • Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy
  • Bright Field Microscopy


Basic Microscope Features

  • Research grade optical microscope with 6x objective turret
  • Video system: video CCD camera
  • LED white-light source for Köhler illumination
  • Manual sample positioning in x- and y-direction
  • Fibre coupling


Computer Interface:

  • WITec software for instrument and measurement control, data evaluation and processing

Raman Optional/Upgradable Operation modes

  • Additional lasers, several wavelenghts eligible
  • Additional UHTS-spectrometers (UV, VIS, NIR)
  • Automated, motorized sample positioning and measuring with piezo-driven scan stages
  • Automated confocal Raman imaging
  • Automated multi-area and multi-point measurements
  • Full automation available: see alpha300 apyron
  • Ultrafast Raman imaging, optional available
  • Upgradable for epi-fluorescence applications
  • Adapter for higher samples
  • TrueSurface for Raman depth profiling
  • Autofocus
  • Additional white-light options: Dark Field Microscopy, Phase Contrast Microscopy, and DIC optional


Ultrahigh-throughput UHTS Spectrometers

  • Various lens-based, excitation optimized spectrometers (UV, VIS or NIR) available, all specifically designed for Raman microsopy and applications with low light intensities
  • Fibre-coupled ultrahigh-throughput optical instruments
  • Superior peak shape conservation


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